Dr Pasko Dedic


Dr Pasko Dedic is available for cardiology consultation at CVS in Rockingham, Leeming, Nedlands, Inglewood and in Joondalup.

Dr Dedic has a public and private hospital cardiology position at Joondalup Health Campus as well as, admits patients privately to Hollywood Private Hospital.


Dr Pasko Dedic has been practicing as a Consultant Cardiologist for 26 years in both Europe and in Australia. Dr Pasko Dedic specialises in all aspects of General Cardiology, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Acute Coronary Care, Heart Failure and Cardiac Catherisation, including Coronary Angiography. Dr Pasko Dedic is also a member of the Cardiology teaching faculty at Notre Dame University and has research experience in Ischaemic Heart Disease and in Chronic Heart Failure. Dr Dedic can also speak fluent German and Croatian.

Dr Pasko Dedic is available at: